Apr 23, 2020

夏の旅 (1984)

"Summer Travel"

Naoya Matsuoka
Format: .mp3
Bitrate: 320kbps
Size: 125mb


01 - 日傘の貴婦人 (Parasol Lady)

02 - 
田園詩 (Pastoral)

03 - 
夏の旅 (Summer Travel)

04 - 
風のしらべ (Wind Inspection)

05 - 
虹のしずく (Rainbow Drops)

06 - 
雲のゆくえ (Clouds Whereabouts)

07 - <Interlude>

08 - 
虚栄の街 (Vanity Town)

09 - 
Uターン (U-Turn)


01 - Please support the artist.
02 - Please read the Introduction.
03 - DO NOT HOTLINK the image or the links.
04 - Feel free to share. Enjoy!


  DRIVE: https://tinyurl.com/y7zvthg2